Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Princess and the Frog: Soundtrack

Honestly, I would wager that if I were to throw out the name of a Disney movie right now, the first thing that would spring to mind wouldn’t be the plot or even a character from the movie–more than likely, a song from the film would pop into your head. Part of what has defined Disney animated films are the songs that accompany them. They’re the type of songs that, no matter who you’re with, if you turn them on the majority of people will not only know the songs, but start singing along to them.

That is what I’ve always loved most about Disney films–their musicality. Consequently, when I found out that The Princess and the Frog was to go back to the days when Disney soundtracks actually featured the characters singing, rather than having the music simply set the tone.

I actually had the soundtrack for The Princess and the Frog before seeing the movie, and have been listening to it fairly regularly in order to give my best possible analysis.

I’m a little conflicted about The Princess and the Frog’s soundtrack. I really enjoy the songs, but overall the soundtrack just doesn’t feel like a Disney soundtrack. Allow me to clarify...MORE

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